Sunday, April 7, 2013

Grapes.. or rather grapelings

Looks like we might actually get some grapes this year! Check out the baby grapes from my vine in the backyard.

Monday, April 1, 2013

Peach Blossom in the Sunset

Thanks to my Grandpa for helping me move the flower to catch the sunset just right! This was taken in my parent's backyard at Jenny's birthday party!

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Spring - First Photo

Here is one of my favorite spring shots taken at Grandma's front yard. This one is cheating just a tad since I didn't go out and take it this year, but I just wanted to get the ball rolling! I will get some current ones up here, I promise! :)

Assignment 7 - Spring

Alright.. holidays are over and spring is on its way. I know we have all been a little behind in these photos, but I would love to get us moving on them again!

Lets try for something on everyone's mind just now.. or at least I think it is! Spring! Lets get some spring photos up here, and once we get everyone back in the swing of things I will get us a new challenging assignment once more.

Easter is coming up soon (March 31st) and since that is such a great opportunity for photos lets put out due date on this one to the first week of April.