Sunday, March 17, 2013

Spring - First Photo

Here is one of my favorite spring shots taken at Grandma's front yard. This one is cheating just a tad since I didn't go out and take it this year, but I just wanted to get the ball rolling! I will get some current ones up here, I promise! :)

Assignment 7 - Spring

Alright.. holidays are over and spring is on its way. I know we have all been a little behind in these photos, but I would love to get us moving on them again!

Lets try for something on everyone's mind just now.. or at least I think it is! Spring! Lets get some spring photos up here, and once we get everyone back in the swing of things I will get us a new challenging assignment once more.

Easter is coming up soon (March 31st) and since that is such a great opportunity for photos lets put out due date on this one to the first week of April.