Thursday, November 29, 2012

Assignment 6 - Holiday Spirit

I can't believe its almost December! There is so much going on this month so lets keep the assignment festive! I am back on my feet again so I plan on participating (sorry I didn't get anything up last assignment!). 

For the assignment lets focus on the holiday spirit. This can be cool ornaments on your tree, nativity set that catches you eye, Santa with a bell hanging outside a grocery store, or a child's smile when opening a long awaited gift. However you would like to express it. I hope you guys have a lot of fun with it, and I look forward to seeing what you post!

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Rainy day at the Zoo

Josh is at the Snack Shack with Charlie in the stroller, trying to escape the rain.  Just after this it started really coming down. The color is just starting to come out, a little more each day.

Nuff Said!

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Assignment 5 - Fall Colors

Sorry for the delay in getting this out, but I think this should be a good one! All around us are the signs that we are finally getting a season change. Those of us in Arizona maybe not as much as our member in Oklahoma, but at least the temperature is going down and that is extremely welcome!

Lets keep our eyes out for signs of Fall. This can be anything from store decorations, to trees dropping their leaves, or visitors that only come when it cools off. Use your imagination, lets see what we can come up with!

Four Corners

Figured this counted as something interesting. :) I finally made it to Four-Corners!! Here is my proof of the visit.

Tomorrow I will post our next assignment.. stay tuned!

Monday, October 8, 2012

Something Interesting - Blue Moon

I was lucky enough to go on a road trip during this assignment so my pictures are both from that. These first ones were of the Blue Moon that was our companion on the first night. At first it was so large and semi-covered in clouds we couldn't even make out what it was.. Then as it was rising out of the clouds we realized what we were seeing. I liked this one because it looked like the moon was wearing a cloud mustache.

We stopped quickly so I could start getting pictures, and we weren't there but maybe 5 minutes before we realized we were both covered in mosquitoes! We took off in a hurry and I tried desperately to snap photos of the moon out the window of a moving vehicle. Needless to say it did not go well. But I did get this one that I thought was pretty cool that shows the motion of the moving car and the brilliance of the moon. I have another clearer shot that I posted on my main blog ( if you want to come take a look.

Friday, September 7, 2012

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Assignment 4 - Interesting People or Things

Its that time again! New photo assignment and this time its.. Interesting People or Things. This is wide open to interpretation, just keep an eye out for anything you find interesting.

If you didn't get a chance to post an older assignment, please keep them coming. 

I hope everyone has a great holiday weekend!

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Storm Photos

This is us out taking some photos of the incoming storm last night.

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Assignment 3 - Shadows

We have had some great pictures posted, lets keep em coming! For our next assignment we will be doing...  Shadows

You can either focus on the shadows themselves, show the shadows cast by your subject, have a natural shadow, or one cast by your flash. However you want, just try to keep an eye open for those dark places and see what you can come up with!

I am planning for another couple weeks to get this one in.. if I see most of you have the pictures in before that time I will just keep us moving to another new assignment. Don't worry if you haven't had a chance to post your Fence pictures yet, just post em before the end of the week if you can.


Cool and crroked wall in North Carolina

Crooked wall (not really a fence) from Rocky Mount, North Carolina

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Loki Cat

Piper Cat

Flowers, Trees and Pots

Assignment 2 - Fences

We had a lot of good pictures for our first post! For our next one, lets get out of find some fences. This can be anything from the fence in your backyard, to something cool you see somewhere in your neighborhood or on your commute. Just keep your cameras with you while you are out and about and see what catches your eye! For this one, lets try 2 weeks again to give people a chance to get some pictures in.

Friday, July 27, 2012

My first submission...

                                          Such pretty little flowers

                                                    My pretty baby