Monday, October 8, 2012

Something Interesting - Blue Moon

I was lucky enough to go on a road trip during this assignment so my pictures are both from that. These first ones were of the Blue Moon that was our companion on the first night. At first it was so large and semi-covered in clouds we couldn't even make out what it was.. Then as it was rising out of the clouds we realized what we were seeing. I liked this one because it looked like the moon was wearing a cloud mustache.

We stopped quickly so I could start getting pictures, and we weren't there but maybe 5 minutes before we realized we were both covered in mosquitoes! We took off in a hurry and I tried desperately to snap photos of the moon out the window of a moving vehicle. Needless to say it did not go well. But I did get this one that I thought was pretty cool that shows the motion of the moving car and the brilliance of the moon. I have another clearer shot that I posted on my main blog ( if you want to come take a look.

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