Thursday, July 12, 2012

Assignment One - Getting Close

Okay for the first assignment lets go with a fun one - Getting Close!

Try to get really close to something and get a picture of it! This can be anything from a ladybug crawling on a blade of grass, to a nail on the floor, or a pet's whisker (if you can get them to stay still long enough to snap the shot!). Try different lighting, with or without flash, or different angles to get a cool shot.

Couple ground rules - 
#1 Please use a physical camera, not a camera phone.
#2 Please take the picture during the week the assignment is due. :) No fair pulling up old pictures to post. 
#3 When you are ready to post, just sign into this blog with your gmail account and click 'New Post' (upper right hand corner).
#4 Lets try to give ourselves 1 week to get these online. Feel free to post it as soon as you have it, but try to get it up here by next Thursday, July 19th.

If you need helping posting, let me know! And have fun!!

- Heather

This type of a photo is called 'Macro Photography' and a lot of point and shoot cameras do have a mode to make this type of shot easier.

This is a picture of a little flower (check your owner's manual to see if your camera has this option).

If you can use a tri-pod to setup a shot, it helps to keep the camera super steady so your pictures are easier to focus. Depending on what you are trying to take a picture of.. sometimes that really is not feasible.

Here is a good site with examples of this type of photography and some tips from a fellow amateur.

Can you take Macro Photographs with a Point and Shoot

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