Monday, July 9, 2012

New Idea - Please join me!

Here's the deal. I am a super-excited proud owner of a new Digital Camera. Well.. I don't even have it yet, but I ordered it last night and it is flying its way to me now.

I want to build on the energy I have right now and really explore some of the things I can do with this new camera. With this in mind.. Ta-Da! My New Photo Blog. This one has a very specific purpose in mind however. I want to post ideas for weekly photography assignments and have anyone who is interested post what they came up with for that week's assignment. This can be anything from 'Clouds' to 'Empty Places' or whatever idea sounds good for that week's assignment.

The one thing I really want to do it use this to stretch our knowledge, so please use a physical camera (not just your camera phone) if at all possible. This doesn't mean you need a super expensive camera, just any  digital camera. I have used different point and shoot cameras for years and you can get some great shots with them!

Please join in regardless of how much experience you have with taking pictures, this is for anyone! I just want to encourage everyone interested to take more pictures and learn more about what your camera can do! The best way to learn is to just get out there and take pictures.

Please reply to this post if you are interested and I will set you up with access to post to this blog and in about a week I will post our first assignment!


  1. I'd love to join! This sounds so fun :) sign me up!!

    1. Thats awesome! You are all set, I will post here when we are ready to start the first assignment. :)

  2. I've got my camera all set, emptied do I have lots of room. I love this idea!

    1. Yay! Glad to have another participant! Please check your gmail account for your invite (This is for you too Kathy!) This will allow you both to post to this main forum.

  3. Replies
    1. Sweet! Looking forward to seeing what you come up with. :) My camera was waiting for me tonight when I got home by the way!!
